Direct Payment FAQs

Q: Do you help the disabled and those in receipt of Direct Payments?

First Call’s Service User Payroll Scheme is a huge advantage for any local authority Service User who welcomes help in dealing with the administration of the payroll for their Personal Assistant. You’ll find more information on the various processes involved at

Q: Do you have a Payroll Bureau?

If there’s one thing that will upset your staff it will be making a mistake with their pay. It has to be right and it has to be on time. Payroll is serious business, but it doesn’t have to cost you a fortune. First Call’s payroll services are the easy and obvious answer to any business that employs…anyone! It may be just one person, or you might have hundreds, our payroll service will make sure the job is done on time, every time.

Q: Will you work with our accountants?

Yes, we liaise with the appointed accountant and also make sure that all government deadlines are achieved on time, e.g. tax returns, VAT returns and payments. Alternatively we can act as both your bookkeeper and accountant and help keep your costs down.